Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Most "Depressing" Valetine's Day Ever

                     With high hopes and happy hearts/To the forest we went for our getaway/Skies were blue and the sun was rising
  The rain and mud tried to stop us/Cows, goats, and trees got in our way/Strong winds almost blew us over/and cold attempted to dampen our spirits 
But we persevered/Determined to find joy in this tropical storm/There is beauty in green fields, plentiful wells, and kind words  
God provided a beautiful rainbow demonstrating His grace in our lives,
reminding us of his all-consuming love

We enjoyed a magnificent sunset on top of a water tower, 
ever thankful
The Tropical Depression heading up the SW Madagascar coastline


  1. How can you say it was a depressing day? The countryside is magnificent, the skies beautiful and you are with your sweetheart?! Silly girl!! Look on the bright side!!! Love you!

  2. Hey mom - it's supposed to be a play on words because we were in a "Tropical Depression" - see the map and title of the map above. It was all in all a good day! :)

    1. ohhhhhh.... duh!! cute, didnt catch the play on words!


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